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New Release! 'The Last Reptilian Warrior - Instrumental Edition' by Demonstealer

Updated: Aug 5

Demonstealer album 'The Last Reptilian Warrior', which was originally released in 2018 has just been re-released as an 'Instrumental Edition' on streaming services and Bandcamp:

And you can get hold of the original here:

I play on 2 tracks on the album:

  • 'The Perspective of Evil' with Romain Goulon (Necrophagist/Sadist) on drums

  • 'The Weak Shall Perish' with David Diepold (Obscura) on drums and a solo by Mendel (Aborted)

The whole album has some amazing guest players on it, so check it out!

I originally met Demonstealer (Sahil Makhija) when his band Demonic Resurrection flew over from India to tour the UK in 2014 with my then-band De Profundis. A few years later he asked me to record these tracks for what then was his latest solo release - he sent me the tracks and I had free-reign to write my own bass parts.

Then in 2018 he asked me to step in on bass, with De Profundis guitarist Shoi, for a Demonic Resurrection UK tour, which culminated in playing on the Sunday at Bloodstock - footage of which is below, with a link to the live album which is also available to stream. This was my second Bloodstock performance of that weekend, as I also played on the Friday with De Profundis!

I recorded these Demonstealer tracks on my fretless 6-string Mayones Caledonius bass with Bartolini pickups and Rotosound RS66 roundwound strings straight into my Focusrite interface.

Which is your favourite song from 'The Last Reptilian Warrior'?

Best wishes,


Demonic Resurrection Live at Bloodstock 2018:

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